Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Old Man Still Has It!

It was pitch black at 5:20 a.m. when I boarded the bus for Pudre Canyon on May 6th. The day had come for the Ft. Collins mini-marathon.
I plunked down the registration fee and told lots of people about my upcoming race - just to make sure I got running again. Now the day had come. Had I prepared enough? Would I need to be resuscitated somewhere along the 15 mile race course?
I was encouraged to cross the finish line - and I felt great!
When's the next one?

Wrapping up the year at UCCS

Breaking Bill's Basketball backboard at the Nav's End Of the Year BBQ

I just realized that my last post was at the beginning of the semester and here we are wrapping up the year already!

What a very fruitful year we had- praise God! Not only did we continue to see new people coming to our Nav meetings - right up to the last night, but many students grew spiritually deeper as well.
Our "high commitment" Bible studies proved successful as we asked students to commit to preparing, attending and participating each week. They also memorized scripture as part of their preparation. To be honest, I was unsure if students would find this appealing, but they "ate it up!"
Now 25 students eagerly volunteered to come back and help lead the ministry next fall - I'm thrilled about what next year will hold!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Laborers for the Harvest

When [Jesus] saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Matthew 9:36-38

God has answered that prayer in part by raising up these committed students. These men and women are the Navigators Student Leadership Team at UCCS. I depend on them a ton and God is using them to make things happen! For example, we just had to move to a new room for our Nav weekly meeting because we outgrew our last one. Again this week we had a bunch of new people who came to our Nav meeting!
Would you pray for these students? Ask God to instill in them the vision, passion and skills to serve Him for the rest of their lives.